galalite screens

An immersive cinematic experience: It all starts with choosing the right projector screen

Are you looking forward to upgrading your office conference room or want to create the ultimate home theater space? then a top-quality projector screen should be an essential part of your toolkit. But what exactly you should be looking forward in a projector screen? Understanding your options is the first step in selecting the right screen for the usage. This blog will help you make the apt choice. Let’s get started. 

  • Projector Screen Type

The first step to choosing the right Projector Screen that best suits your particular needs or application is to choose the type of screen you wish to use. From the mounting style to the method of the screens retraction, you’ll want to take everything into consideration when choosing your screen type. The permanency of your screen type is also an important thing to look at.

Another simple way to narrow your choices is by the type of functionality or retraction method you’d like your screen to have. You can choose from motorized Electric projector screens, which descend and retract with the push of a button. Manual pull-down projector screens extend and retract by a simple pull of the screens handle, much like a standard window shade. Fixed Frame projector screens are commonly used for solutions requiring a permanent wall-mounted solution, such as a dedicated home theatre or auditorium.

Generally, if you would like a permanent installation, then the Electric, Fixed or Manual wall and ceiling mounted projection screens are your best choice.

  • Projector Screen Fabric

After you’ve decided on the type and mechanism of your ideal screen, you’ll need to select the best projector screen fabric for the job. Different screen fabrics handle different applications and environments, their effectiveness depends on several factors, including the resolution of the media used, the lighting and acoustic conditions and the viewing angle of the audience. 

The most important place to start when selecting a screen fabric, are with the Gain (Screen Brightness) and Viewing Angle of the fabric. There is a lot to know about each and how they affect each other (as gain increases viewing angle usually decreases). Having a basic understanding of these features prior to making your choice of a projector screen fabric, will help you make the most out of your equipment within the constraints of your environment.

Gain: is a measurement describing the light reflectivity of fabric, when the measurement is taken for light targeted and reflected perpendicular to the screen. For example, a screen gain of 1.0 means all the light directed at the screen reflects back with the same brightness. Gain greater than 1.0 means the projection screen fabric increases the brightness of the projected image, while gain less than 1.0 means the image produced is not as bright.

Viewing Angle: is a measurement describing the maximum angle from the center of the screen at which you can still see a quality image.

Fabric Colour: The color of your screen fabric greatly influences the contrast of your final projected image. White screens are the industry standard due to brightness, while grey screens are better at handling darker tones. 

Acoustic Transparency: Another popular feature of projection screen fabrics is acoustic transparency. Acoustic transparency is the ability of the screen to allow sound to pass through with little interference. This is especially important in setups where speakers are placed behind the screen, such as home theatres and auditoriums. 

  • Projector Screen Size

Once you’ve decided on the type of screen you are using and the type of fabric you want to use, selecting the size or aspect ratio of your screen should be next on the list of decisions to make. There are numerous standard formats available, including the following:

HDTV 16:9 FORMAT: HDTV format projector screens have a width to height ratio of 16:9. HDTV screens are the optimal format for home theatre, offering the best matched fit for widescreen viewing and is the international standard format of HDTV. This HDTV 16:9 aspect ratio matches up with projectors that offer a native 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution, 1080p HD (1920 x 1080) resolution and 720p HD (1280 x 720) resolution. Wider options include Letterbox and Widescreen; not all but a few of our screens are available in these sizes.

WIDESCREEN PC 16:10 FORMAT: This format has grown increasingly common in recent years with the rise of widescreen PCs. The aspect ratio for these PCs is usually around 16:10, with some variation. This 16:10 aspect ratio matches up with projectors that offer a native WXGA (1280 x 800) resolution, WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050) resolution, and WUXGA (1920×1200) resolution. If you expect to only use a Widescreen PC viewing format for your presentations or if you expect to use this format more often than others, this could be a good choice for you.

CINEMA 2.35:1 FORMAT: If you’re looking more for a movie screen experience, the 2.35:1 widescreen cinema standard or anamorphic format aspect ratio is for you. Commonly used throughout the cinema as a full field-of-view format, the cinema ratio is the best choice if you are looking to create a home theatre space for viewing movies.

VIDEO 4:3 FORMAT: Video format projector screens have a width to height ratio of 4:3. The 4:3 ratio for standard television has been in use since television’s origins and many computer monitors use the same aspect ratio. This 4:3 aspect ratio matches up with projectors that offer a native XGA (1024 x 768) resolution, SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) resolution, UXGA (1600×1200) resolution, and QXGA (2048 x 1536) resolution. Video Format screens are the best option if you’ll be switching equally between fullscreen and widescreen viewing.

galalite screens

LCD, 3LCD and Laser Projection: Which is Right for You?

How do you differ between the three?

What goes into each technology

Have you ever pondered the functioning of an LCD projector?

How does the white light that the bulb emits effectively morph into an image?

Through this article, Lumina Screens will show you if LCD, 3LCD, or Laser projector is right for you.

Do read on to find out how an LCD projector works in the background

A dip before LCD

The projector before LCD used the technology of passing extremely bright light from an LCD to a lens. The lens manages to hugely magnify the image and projects it on screen.

But LCD is way advanced. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is also known as LCLV (liquid crystal light valve)

But you still don’t know if LCD, 3LCD, or Laser projector is right for you? Stick with us!

3LCD, what’s different from just LCD?

3LCD, an upcoming technology in the market devised just a few years ago. 3LCD provides a better image quality than conventional LCDs. The technology used in this device is up-to-date and the latest when it comes to commercial usage.

How 3LCD works

Individual LCDs are used for the red, green, and blue components in 3LCD projections.

A prism is used to blend the light out of each LCD in forming the final image.

The virtue of a 3LCD projector over a conventional LCD projector is that it has three chips, lacks any moving mechanical systems in the light engine, and produces full-time colour as a result of its design.

However, with 3LCD projectors, the light goes through 3 distinct chips with 3 different colour mixes to make the final image, giving it a more vibrant and clear image quality. Conventional LCD projections come with just one chip, and the light flows through that single chip which forms the image.

A final image is created from more than 2.2 million pixels in 1080p 3LCD projectors.

In the comparison between LCD, 3LCD, or Laser projectors, the 3LCD technology offers several advantages.

In general, 3LCD projectors emit brighter light than conventional DLP projectors.

Furthermore, LCD projectors often emit colours that are more brilliant and saturated than DLPs.

A small percentage of viewers may become disturbed by the “rainbow effect” of DLP projectors because 3LCD projectors do not provide the image via an optical illusion.

So let’s head to the last part of LCD, 3LCD, or Laser projector

Laser Projectors, sound straight out of a Sci-Fi?

There is also laser projection, which is predicted to eclipse conventional projection techniques in the near future.

A moving display is produced on a screen using a laser projection by shifting laser beams.

An RGB (red, green, and blue) full-colour laser projector has three pulsed laser sources or one source for projection of a single colour.

It delivers projected pictures that might be brighter and have more vibrant colours.

Laser projections have the advantages of being quick, stable, and consistent with a high repetition rate.

For both 2D and 3D, it is carefully tuned.

For large-scale, intricate projections, the multi-projection technology used in laser projection is particularly adept at maintaining picture quality.


So now, you are equipped with all the knowledge you need to differentiate between LCD, 3LCD, or Laser projector. But, what about the screens? They might just be a piece of silver, oops, pearlescent cloth, but they are the canvas where you can visualise the director’s art.

That’s where Lumina Screens come into the picture. They work with RGB laser projectors.

RGB boosters for Lumina Screens improve image quality and provide the greatest visual quality.

Choose Lumina Screens and enjoy your movies and series in an immersive experience.


Netflix — the Streaming Giant on Projection Screen

Netflix is an OTT (over-the-top) media service provider that allows users to stream content via the Internet at any place or time. Netflix is one of the most popular platforms in the world that provides a variety of options in terms of series, films, documentaries, comedy specials, etc. to its users. Such type of services is getting common day by day as more people are getting access to them. Netflix is available in over 190 countries with about 150 million active users.


Although Netflix provides its access on different devices like Smartphones & Tablets, PCs and Laptops, Smart TVs, etc. It is best experienced on a Home Theatre with Projection Screen. Mobile phones or tablets may allow you to watch your preferred content anywhere but they somewhat fail to provide the immersive viewing experience that Netflix is able to serve.


Netflix provides various options in streaming quality to its users. The quality also varies with the device it is accessed on. For users having Premium plan of Netflix, the streaming giant provides Ultra HD or 4K streaming on supported devices. If you have a premium plan you get the advantage to enjoy the content in high-definition rather than watching it in normal resolution. 


If you enjoy watching movies at the cinema theatres and If you like to recreate a somewhat similar kind of experience at your home you can set up a projector and good quality projection screen with decent sound setup and enjoy those movies at your very own home. With so many OTT platforms like Netflix and others in the scene, you have an option to watch the movies you missed and you can watch them at your home or your smartphones if you have a busy schedule or want to save the hassle to go to movie theatres.   


Netflix has succeeded in becoming the most reliable streaming service with HD or 4K streaming option. With thousands of titles of TV series and films to choose from, Netflix is the best option to watch the latest & popular content according to your own taste on any devices you are comfortable to watch on.


Lumina Screens manufactures projection screen surfaces that are optimum for a perfect home viewing experience. If you are a movie buff and like to watch movies in his home comfort you can try and experience Lumina Screens where you can watch Netflix with the best visual clarity which offers a plethora of movies, tv-series, documentary and more.

galalite screens

How has the importance of home theatre increased after the OTT platforms have emerged?

OTT is the most popular term in entertainment right now as it sits at the center of the inevitable and unstoppable merger between the worlds of television and digital video. But what exactly does it mean and why does it matter? So, OTT stands for “over-the-top”, the term used for the delivery of film and TV content via the internet, without requiring users to subscribe to a traditional cable or satellite pay-TV service like Tata Sky or Dish TV.

Currently, streaming boxes/sticks and smart TVs are the two most common device types for streaming content, but within each of these devices, categories are several brands fighting for market share. Within the streaming box/stick markets like Amazon and Google, all have well-established footprints; within the smart TV market, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Sony, and others all factor in; and among game consoles, Xbox, PlayStation, and Wii, all have sizeable shares of the market. It begs the question: Why is the OTT device market so fragmented?

One big factor, of course, is that many of these devices are not dedicated to OTT streaming, but rather incorporate that feature as an added capability. Most people buy a TV primarily to watch TV, or a game console primarily to play games, or a Blu-ray player primarily to watch Blu-rays. But as more of these devices were sold with built-in internet-streaming, more consumers had the ability to stream OTT content as per their wish. And as demand for streaming services like Netflix and Prime Video grew in popularity, viewers opted for whichever living room device happened to enable OTT streaming. For a household that watches only one or two OTT streaming services, the specific device specs were secondary to the fact that it enabled the desired viewing behavior.

As the OTT market develops and households begin streaming content across an increasing number of OTT apps, the user experience will likely become more important. When it comes to user experience, the streaming device hardware is secondary to the software platform. It is worth considering to what extent the OTT market might eventually resemble the smartphone market and how user experience factors into the equation. The iOS and Android platforms ultimately grabbed the lion’s share of the smartphone market as software (specifically, apps) became the differentiator in the user experience. If the future of TV is indeed apps, does that mean that the platform on streaming devices will eventually determine the biggest players in the market? Or will this market remain fragmented, much like the pay-TV market is today? Only time will tell.

Nowadays, Indian audiences are setting priority over OTT content because firstly, the content is always available every time, so it helps its viewers to watch the content whenever he/she gets free, rather than waiting for the time when your favorite show telecasts. This gives the audience more comfortable, freedom, and more valuable to their own time. And, then the original content. The contents that get created on the OTT platforms are original ones which are created for one particular platform (say Netflix, for example), in the form of movies and series. Series are another kind of revolution in the field of OTT platforms, where you can access the content at your home, with popcorn and drinks, when you are free to watch. There’s no factor to force yourselves to watch your favorite content, like time. 

However, to get an immersive cinematic experience the web content like movies and series, you need to have a home theatre at your home, as it enhances your experience three-times and gives another dimension of experience that you usually get while watching movies in cinema halls. Hence, the importance of home theatres has emerged at a bigger scale. Smartphones, Tablets, PCs, and even Televisions have limitations to give an immersive and aesthetic visual experience that you need as a viewer, as you are watching in a cinema hall.

Home theatres are replacements for cinema halls as well. When you want to watch a movie in the theatre, you have to check its showtime, ticket fares, the atmosphere of the theatre, and after reaching there and if the shows are house-full or over-packed, then it would be a great disappointment for you. Now, when you start watching movies by either downloading them or through streaming services, you could them with relaxation, without any tension or stress. You can watch it whenever you want. No chaos of over-packed audience. It’s just the content on the screen and you.

Lumina Projection Screens bring various options for home theatre screens that could easily cater to your needs and wants. Our main aim is to deliver an enhanced and one-of-a-kind cinematic experience of magnificent visuals that enable you to easily enjoy the depth of your favorite content — like your favorite movies, series, and even sports — at your desired place. You can enjoy any OTT content in a way better resolution and screen.

For more information about our products, click on the “Our Products” tab, or visit our branch.

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Lumina Screens Used at the Premiere of ‘Typewriter’

With a rapid increase in the range of streaming services delivering content right to your home, there arises the need of having a perfect setting where you can watch them with superior quality. Lumina Screens provides you with the best visual quality that one can have on a projection screen while sitting at home. Proving the same, Lumina Screens’ product was used for the premiere of Netflix Original series ‘Typewriter’.


Typewriter is a horror-thriller Netflix Original series written and directed by Sujoy Ghosh. Considering the genre of the series, it requires immersive visuals with utmost clarity so that the viewers could have the experience that this series aspires to provide. Lumina Screens fulfills the requirements and proves to be the best option for the series concerned. Not only that, its compatibility with every sort of home environment makes it the perfect choice of projection screen for personal space.


Having one’s own space equipped with the perfect home theatre enriches the experience of watching a series or a film. Netflix comes to a step closer to you with Lumina Screens in front of you. Typewriter’s premiere on Lumina Screens is one such example of its unmatched surface quality for home viewing.


Lumina Screens’ products provide a varied range of gain distribution in screens which proves to be compatible with different room environments, along with uniform light distribution. Lumina Screens aims for the most comfortable viewing experience a person can have while sitting inside their home. It is a remarkable accomplishment that Lumina Screens is spreading its territory and proving its competence with big names like Netflix choosing it for the screening.


Lumina Screens is a part of Galalite Screens, under GTC Industries, that manufactures projection screens for a wholesome viewing experience at home, corporate offices, or auditoriums. Its vision is to reinvent the home theatre market with a cinema-like movie-viewing experience so that people can have an immersive watch with the comfort of home.

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Lumina Screens Installed at Annapurna Studios

Lumina Screens has been at the forefront of supplying projection screens that are optimum for a small-scale viewing experience. Providing a wholesome feel in limited space has been its target and it aims to fulfill it with sheer competence time and again. Proving its motives yet again, Lumina Screens installed three of its products at Annapurna Studios.

Annapurna Studios is a production house set up at Hyderabad in 1975 which produces Telugu films and television shows. It’s one of the earliest production houses set up in Hyderabad that solely served the purpose of producing Telugu films. It was founded by the late actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao. It has produced numerous hit films like Manmadhudu, Rajanna, Super and Mass which featured the Telugu superstar Akkineni Nagarjuna. The production house provides a platform for post-production to various other films and TV series, too.

For the kind of work the studio performs, it needs its requirement of quality and compatibility to be met; and for that, Lumina Screens proves to be the favored candidate. As it is commonly known that production requires excessive editing work owing to which there arises the need for the visual to look as clear as possible. Lumina Screens aids the process of delivering the top-notch visual quality through its flawless projection screen surfaces. Its range of products sure that the room environment doesn’t act as an obstacle when it comes to the compatibility of the projection screen.

Having a projection screen set up for various post-production tasks such as screening, editing, sound design, etc. is beneficial in a way because of comparatively bigger projection of visuals that go along with the surround sound. This helps the person working on the cut to accurately minister the visuals and work on it accordingly to the needs. The better the projection screen surfaces are, the better the overall output is. Hence, the color correction, CGI, edits look far better on a projection screen than it could look on a small LED screen.

Lumina Screens aims to provide the people with a perfect visual output at home or working space to give the effect of a traditional cinema theatre experience. With limited space, a person can enjoy or work on any visual they want to without any hindrance.

Lumina Screens is a part of Galalite Screens, under GTC Industries, that manufactures projection screens for a wholesome viewing experience at home, corporate offices, or auditoriums. Its vision is to reinvent the home theatre market with a cinema-like movie-viewing experience so that people can have an immersive watch with the comfort of home.

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The Science Behind Projector Throw Distance

A sound understanding of throw distance calculations is crucial for integrating projectors in offices, educational institutions, and home entertainment systems. Knowing the science behind the calculations is the key to using projectors optimally. A projector’s throw distance is the distance between the projector and the image on the screen i.e. the distance that the image is “thrown” or “projected”. The projector position and the size of the image will depend upon your room configuration. Hence, you will need to consider the throw distance and the projector features that will give you maximum placement flexibility.

Understanding Projector Throw Distance

The distance between your projector and screen is a crucial element in setting up your presentation. The basic rule is the more distance you have between the projector and the projection screen, the larger the projected image will be. However, even this is limited as defined by the Inverse-Square Law where the luminosity decreases intensity as the light beam travels further. In other words, the higher the throw distance, the less bright the image will be. If the throw distance is considerable, make sure you have enough output (lumens) on your projector to do so.

Below are the 3 basic variables most affected by throw distance:

  • Lumens – The brightness of the projector.
  • Luminance Uniformity – The projector’s ability to spread an even amount of light over the projection surface.
  • Picture Resolution – The clarity of the image.

As these variables are interdependent, it is worthwhile looking at these elements individually to get a deeper understanding of the science behind the projector throw distance calculation.


The correct full name is “ANSI Lumens”. It is the standard measurement of brightness emitting from your projector. Lumens are the units of measure for the amount of light that a projector is reportedly able to produce. The averaged multiple readings of visible light from various angles to determine a standardized unit of measure known as ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Lumens.

Mathematically, it is a measurement of one candela of visible light per square radians (1 candela * sr) Symbol = lm. To put it into easier terms, a candela is about the equivalent of the light produced by one candle. The candela actually replaces the obsolete measurement of the “Candlepower (cp)” and is equivalent to 1.02 cp units of measured visible light.

Luminance Uniformity

This is the process of ensuring how close a projector comes to putting an equal amount of brightness over the entire area of a screen. In other words, full 100% luminance uniformity would be when the projector distributes precisely the same degree of brightness over every measurable reference point on the projection screen. Typically, there are fluctuations of brightness diffusion so it is unlikely that the far corners of the projection screen are getting the exact same amount of light that the center does and vice-versa. That being said, a good projector will deliver about 85%-95% of luminance uniformity. Usually, the average human eye cannot tell the difference. Our suggestion is to avoid buying a projector with less than 85% luminance uniformity; especially if you are planning to project onto a screen that is about 100 inches (diagonally) or larger.

Picture Resolution

Resolution really places a limit on the amount of throw distance. As stated earlier, the greater the distance, the more light spreads out. Modern video content is digitized meaning that each picture is made up of a large count of individual points of light called “pixels”. If you have a low-resolution projector, those small pixels become big and blurry real fast. Resolution is the level of clarity that is achieved in a video image. The more pixels you can fit into a certain place, the more detail you will have. The illustration below shows in real-time the size increase of each box using pixels that are of the same size.


Different projector types that throw distances

Long Throw: These projectors provide very large images, this type of throw is usually from projectors that are installed in the center of the ceiling in a large room. They require the greatest amount of distance to make an image. Standard Throw or “Long Throw” Projectors are the most common types of projectors found in most installations.

Short Throw Projectors: These projectors provide large images while reducing shadows and eye glare, this type of throw is usually seen from projectors either installed on the wall or the ceiling closer to the wall anywhere that is close to where the image will be projected. Short-throw projection generally refers to a distance between 3 to 8 feet away from the projector to screen.

Ultra-Short Throw Projectors: These projectors virtually eliminate shadows and eye glare. This type of throw is seen from projectors installed on the wall, the ceiling closer to a wall, or a table projecting downwards. Ultra-short-throw projection refers to a distance between 0 to 4 feet away from the projector to the screen.

Considering the important factors such as brightness, uniformity and resolution are the key factors. One should always keep in mind the importance they carry and go for the projector that fulfills their requirements. The greater the distance, the bigger is the picture. And likewise, the higher the number of lumens, uniformity, and resolution, the more equipped the projector is for delivering a bigger picture.

Lumina Screens have a range of products that are optimum for every kind of projection — regardless of which projector one chooses to go with. Lumina Screens’ unique treatment which goes into the manufacturing of each of its products makes sure that your viewing experience at home remains the best of all.

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It Isn’t That Complex After All: Enhancing Your Entertainment Experience With Home Theatre

A home theatre addition to your home is not only a great investment in considering the calculation but also brings hours of enjoyment to you and your entire family.

With today’s busy schedules, especially for the ones with children, it is hard to coordinate time between school, sports practice, tuition, etc. It is very important to spend quality time with the kids which isn’t possible if you drive to a theatre only to wait in a long line for a “sold-out” movie. Then, because you are already there, dropping around 500 bucks (plain estimation for a family of four) to see a movie you really didn’t plan on seeing only to be disappointed because the acting or script was poor is a tiring experience not to mention the 200 bucks you dropped at the snacks corner. For the same amount of money you spend at movie halls for a year, imagine how much you could otherwise spend on something you can actually enjoy without having to leave home and fight the crowds.

In this case, the best solution would be preferring ‘Home Theatres’ but many consumers are intimidated by this term. They think this means a lot of money, equipment, and cables running all over the place. However, with a little planning, assembling your home theatre can be easy, resulting in a setup that is organized, functional, and visually pleasing. Home theatre is commonly defined as an audio and video equipment set up in your home that emulates the movie theatre experience. In fact, a good home theatre setup may actually provide a more impressive experience that many of those small multiplex cinema screens.

There are at least 10 benefits worth considering home theatres for enhancing your entertainment experience. They are as follows:

  • Privacy – It is a private venue for you, your family, and friends. You are in control of what is displayed.
  • Shared Experience – It creates an environment for a shared experience and quality time with the family. If you have teenagers, it is a way to keep the kids home and avoid the outrageous ticket prices at local theatres. Also, having a place for your kids’ friends to hang out offers the parents the ability to keep a check on the activities of their children.
  • Affordable Movie-Watching – The average amount of money a couple spends to see a movie in one of the two major theatre chains including buying drinks and popcorn is just shy of ₹600 for two people. Over the course of a year, a family of four that sees one movie per month would realize the ROI (return on investment) is equal to buying a projection screen that would work well in most home theatres. You can either download the movie on your tablets, mobile phones, PCs or use streaming services like Netflix, Hotstar, or Amazon Prime Video for watching the movie.
  • Easy Installation – To set up a basic home theatre setup, you don’t need to depend on any third person. It is easy to set up and plug the home theatre systems according to the booklet that you receive while purchases these appliances or through tutorial videos from YouTube.
  • Instant Entertainment – If you often find yourself sitting at home during the summer and bored enough, consider a home theatre. All you have to do is pop a downloaded movie or turn on your streaming video platform to enjoy quality entertainment without ever having to leave your home.
  • Visual Clarity, Enhanced Viewing Experience – Nothing can compete with the resolution of projection screens, not even the best of Smart TVs available today.
  • Favourites – After having a bad day at work, you can always retreat to your private theatre and queue up one of your favorite movies or iTunes playlists and then kick back and relax.
  • Customization – Your home theatre can be designed with as many or few options as you can dream up. The latest technology allows for ultimate ease of use and customization of the timbre of the sound, style of theatre, and multitudes of seating configurations. You could tailor the sound system according to your listening preferences ranging from classical music to hip-hop with you at the controls for bass, treble, reverb, etc. of your sound system. You can equip your theatre with the latest in streaming video and music options including automated channel selections, timed on and off and environmental lighting and video controls.
  • Awesome Gaming Experience – For those into video games, the home theatre offers an incredible experience, especially with those games incorporating surround sound. Video games like the Xbox One, PS4, and Wii can pull you in and make you feel like you are part of the action. The right equipment can immerse you in the game even further. The larger the screen, the more of the action you can see, and the surround sound gives you the one-up on your enemies by letting you hear exactly where they’re coming from.
  • You Control the Schedule – You no longer have to rush through traffic to stand in line to buy tickets only to find that show is sold out. Your viewing schedule and time are totally at your discretion.
living room home theater setup

Introduction to 4K

What is 4K, and how does it work? You may have heard the term 4K when exploring home theatre options, screen displays, and TV formats. But what is 4K and how does it work?

4K is an up-and-coming video technology that promises a better quality picture when you’re watching movies or TV shows. In other words, 4K means a clearer picture. It’s more pixels (8,294,400 to be exact) on the screen at once that creates images that are crisper and capable of showing more details than standard HD. 

The term ‘4K’ refers to the resolution of an electronic display. Specifically, it refers to the fact that there are roughly 4,000 pixels on the horizontal side of the display, which gives 4K four times as high a resolution as 1080p (i.e. what we call traditional ‘Full HD’ or ‘Full High Definition’ screens). And that’s why 4K is often called “Ultra HD” or “UHD.” The reason for calling it as 4K is because the images are around 4,000 pixels wide. And before you ask, yes, the industry named 1080 resolution after image height but named 4K after image width. 

Q: What is the resolution of 4K?

A: 4K resolution, at least the way most TVs define it, is 3840 x 2160 or 2160p. To put that in perspective, a full HD 1080p image is only a 1920×1080 resolution. 4K screens have about 8 million pixels, which is around four times what your current 1080p set can display. A full HD 1080p image is 1080 rows high and 1920 columns wide. A 4K image approximately doubles the numbers in both directions, yielding approximately four times as many pixels total. To put it another way, you could fit every pixel from your 1080p set onto one-quarter of a 4K screen.

Q: But is it really much better than 1080p?

A: Of course, it is! For a long time, 1080p was the industry standard resolution for online videos. So, when someone mentioned HD, they meant videos that were 1920 x 1080 pixels. But while 1080p content was considered “high definition,” 4K is considered “ultra-high definition,” and contains more pixels, conveys higher bit depth, higher frame rate, and a wider color gamut. This means finer details and a clearer image: so the more information that your video has (in this case 4K has four times, or more, the number of pixels than 1080p), the more opportunities you have to work on your video in post-production without losing the integrity of the original quality.

Q: Do all those extra pixels matter?

A: They matter very much. More pixels means more information. More information means sharper pictures. Sharper pictures are more engaging. More engaging content is more fun. Hence, it would be better if you could sit closer and enjoy the content in 4K because the ability to get up close to the screen without the image breaking down is one of the most intoxicating things about 4K. Sitting closer allows the same sized screen to fill more of your visual field, which yields greater immersion. The up-close factor is one of the reasons 4K computer monitors have become one of the technology’s fastest-growing sectors. 4K monitors remain pin-sharp even when you’re just a foot or two from the screen, as you are when you’re sitting at your desk.

Q: How 4K enhances the experience in a Home Theatre?

A: When the home theatre setup is installed on 4K, the visual experience would be enhancing into another level of visual experience, that founds in cinema halls. The 4K images or visuals offers four times the resolution of Full HD, pulling you right into the heart of the action with unprecedented clarity. It would help you to experience fabulously rich cinematic colors, smooth motion, and spectacular contrast. And it would be lower costs of setting up a home theatre with projection screens, than the televisions, in terms of maintenance and operating costs.

Q: Difference between Ultra HD and 4K.

A: Technically, “Ultra High Definition” is actually a derivation of the 4K digital cinema standard. However while your local multiplex shows images in native 4096 x 2160 4K resolution, the new Ultra HD consumer format has a slightly lower resolution of 3840 x 2160. This is one reason why some brands prefer not to use the 4K label at all, sticking with Ultra HD or UHD instead. However, the numerical shorthand looks likely to stick.

Q: So what can I watch in 4K?

A: Your best UHD options right now come from Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Netflix is leading the 4K streaming waters with most of its original shows being available in 4K, alongside select films. The selection might be more limited than the amount of HD content, but it’s increasing day by day. Amazon has also gotten into the 4K UHD streaming game by offering some of its highest-rated shows in Ultra HD.

Both streaming services say even more content is on its way and expects the roll-out to ramp up once more TV watchers make the jump to the higher-resolution standard.

Q: So, what next?

A: The future of 4K consists mostly of improving what’s already there, rather than further increasing the spatial resolution, since there’s a near consensus that there isn’t much of a point in 8K. Instead, it becomes more common, the next steps by the industry would be mostly including additional frame rates, better color representation, and wider color spaces. From movies to sports or even video games, we can help your favorite experiences come to life with a custom-designed media room or home theatre. 

living room home theater setup

The Science Behind Watching a Movie on a Projection Screen

When the lights in the movie theatre dim and cell phones are muted, the movie is about to begin. In the dark, you can hear an occasional cough or the rustle of candy wrappers and smell the aroma of buttered popcorn. The screen begins to reflect light. Welcome to the World of CINEMA, a world of make-believe made from moving images and digital sound.

One might sometimes think that what is the physics behind watching a movie? While a movie character often begins in someone’s imagination, the character’s image on the screen is a real image. Light rays shine onto the movie screen to produce the image we see as a moving picture. But how is such a big, clear, and moving image produced?

Projecting the Best Image

Have you ever made a pinhole camera? If you have, you were projecting an image onto a flat surface. The image was small, dim, and upside down. The projector at the back of the movie theatre is similar, but it is a more complex optical device. It uses a very bright light source and lenses to project a big, bright image onto a screen.

Historically, all movies were recorded on film. The film—a long strip of translucent images—is positioned in the middle of a movie projector. Behind the film is a very bright lamp sitting inside a concave reflector. White light from the lamp is concentrated though two lenses— called a condenser—onto the film. The rays emerging from the condenser pass through the film. The images on the film act like a series of multicolored filters. The filtered light, carrying the image on the film, then passes through a series of lenses that spreads the light out and focuses it onto the movie screen. When the light strikes the screen, the image produced is therefore many times larger than the original tiny picture on the film. The movie screen then reflects the light that forms this image back to your eyes.

There were a lot of processes happens inside a traditional movie projector in order to project a moving image, like they have to follow the light from the lamp through the film and the lens. ​Until the late 20th century, movies were projected this way. The thousands of images that make up an entire movie were stored on a long piece of film. This film was wound on a reel and run continuously through the movie projector. The film was fed into the projector upside down and reversed left to right. When light rays shining through the film passed through the lenses of the projector, they crossed.

The picture on the screen, therefore, appeared to the audience as right-side up. The projector used sprocket gears that fit into the small holes in the edges of the film to feed 24 of these separate images past the lens each second. A shutter flashed each of these images onto the screen three times. (This means 72 pictures are projected each second. This flash rate is so fast that our eyes do not notice the images flickering on the screen.) When inverted by the projector, it appears on the screen in its correct orientation.

Modernizing Movies

These days, digital video has transformed the movie industry. The 2002 recording of Star Wars: The Attack of the Clones, on digital video, ignited a technological shift. Instead of traditional film, movies can now be recorded digitally onto a computer and stored on a DVD or Blu-ray. This makes the shooting, editing, and distribution of a movie much cheaper. Modern digital media can store information in a way that is less likely to degrade. Every time a traditional film is run through a projector, it may get a bit stretched or dirty. Except for scratches or breakage, a DVD retains its quality over time.

The digital movie is projected using either a micro-mirror projector or a liquid crystal display (LCD) projector. A micro-mirror projector uses millions of microscopic mirrors to form the images that we see on the screen. This technology still uses a very bright lamp, in this case, to shine light through a prism that splits it up into color beams. The beams are reflected off the tiny mirrors, which turn on and off in response to the video signals. An LCD projector also relies on light and mirrors; some things never change! A very bright light is reflected off a mirror that has an LCD on it. In response to the video signal, the crystals let some of the light through and block some of it.

Though these technologies are newer, they retain some of the original ideas from the invention of movies on film. Digital recording still relies on stringing together a series of images called “frames” in rapid succession to create a moving picture. While the moving image is not really continuous, our eyes and visual system interpret these pictures as uninterrupted.

Here we, Lumina Projection Screens provides you with various options of home theatre screens that gives an immersive experience than movie theatres or cinema halls. Now, you need not wait for the time to watch a movie, instead, turn your home into a cinema hall of your desire. Our main aim is to deliver an enhanced and one-of-a-kind cinematic experience of magnificent visuals that enables you to easily enjoy the depth of your content – like your favorite movies, series, and even sports, for every class and group of people.

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